Friday, December 27, 2019
Should Sports Doping Be Doping - 1578 Words
Doping in sports. At present, the problem of the use of doping by athletes is acute for professional sports. The solution of this task immediately entails chain of related questions: how to improve the system of doping control, what drugs to prohibit to use, what measures to show to athletes who violated the rules.But what do we know about doping, in addition, what do the media and the people profit from it? Looking at the situation of modern sports on the other hand, it can be argued that much more important is another risk: to dispel all myths surrounding the problem of using doping in sport and outline the reality.This paper will deal with operating principle of doping and the consequences of†¦show more content†¦But the real beginning of the modern era of doping should be considered 1935, when the injection testosterone was created. First used by Nazi doctors to increase the aggression of the soldiers, a little later he confidently entered the sport with the Olympic athl etes of Germany in 1936 at the Berlin Olympics. Later in 1955, physiologist John Ziegler developed a modified synthetic testosterone for the US national weightlifting team, it was Dianabol. The invented Dianabol soon became widely available and compulsory for weightlifters, football players, runners and sportsmen of sports game. The effect of the Dianabol is to increase protein synthesis and help the muscles recover faster after hard training(Muller 2,6). According to the definition of the Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee, doping is the introduction into the body of athletes by any means (in the form of injections, pills, inhalation, etc. )of pharmacological drugs that artificially raise the working capacity and athletic performance. In addition, various kinds of manipulations with biological fluids, produced for the same purposes, are also referred to as doping. According to this definition, doping, a pharmacological preparation can be considered only if it or the products of its decay can be determined in body fluids (blood, urine) with a high degree of accuracy and reliability. Currently, the following 5 groups areShow MoreRelatedShould Sports Doping Be Banned?2190 Words  | 9 PagesDoping in Sports As Richard (Dick) Butkus once said, â€Å"There is a myth out there that somehow anabolic steroids can turn a cub into a bear. Steroids won’t make you tough and competitive. What they will do is ruin your health. It’s that simple.†The use of prohibited substances in sports has had a major timeline. Using drugs in sports goes back to ancient times. Prohibited substances are used in almost every single sport. Doping in sports is definitely a form of cheating. The athletes who use drugsRead MoreShould Blood Doping Be Illegal or Legal in Sports?1499 Words  | 6 Pagescreate ways to become the best in his/her competitive sports; especially when one have to use a lot of endurance and energy to win. In order to be the best you have to put in the work. Some athletes do it the hard way, such as eating healthy, exercising and training. Others use the easy way out, engaging with steroids, enhancements, and blood doping to get ahead of the competition. Many professiona l athletes have taken to the practice of blood doping in order to gain a competitive edge in their fieldRead MoreDoping Testing And Doping Tests1350 Words  | 6 PagesDoping dates back to ancient Greek where athletes took special diets to make themselves stronger. In the 19th Century, substances such as caffeine, alcohol and cocaine were used to enhance performance among long distance athletes. 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However, many athletes feel that theyRead MoreThe Effects Of Blood Doping On Professional Sports1265 Words  | 6 PagesThe phenomenon of the blood doping in professional sports is not new; however, it remains prevalent in sports culture. With new techniques being designed to avoid detection, it could be argued that the prohibition of sports enhancing drugs in the professional sports mirror the prohibition of alcohol, making for unsafe, unsanitary and black market drug erupt. Instead of prohibition, could the professional sports community limitations in order to better allocate their money? There are great incentivesRead MoreDoping Testing Should Not Be Banned1669 Words  | 7 Pagesworld by â€Å"the Nazis because they needed aggressive soldiers†(Sports in America: Recreation, Business, Education,;Controversy., and Performance-enhancing Drugs). Doping was introduced into sports because people wanted to have an â€Å"extra advantage on their opponents†(Sports in America: Recreation, Business, Education,;Controversy., and Performance-enhancing Drugs). Drug testing was introduced to the world in 1968 at the Olympics (Sports in America: Recreation, Business, Education,;Controversy., andRead MorePro Doping in Sports Debate825 Words  | 4 Pagesof less risk and worse performance, what gives anyone the right to interfere with their choice? After all, if we should not forbid smokers from risking their health by smoking, why should we prohibit track stars or weightlifters from taking risks with their health in pursuit of their goals? -Robert Simon, PhD Professor of Philosophy at Hamilton College Fair Play: The Ethics of Sport 2003 Seeking an ‘Unfairâ₠¬â„¢ Advantage There is no coherent argument to support the view that enhancing performance isRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Steroids In Sports951 Words  | 4 PagesSteroids in sports has been one of the biggest controversial topics since 1904 when Olympic marathon runner, Thomas Hicks, used a mixture of brandy and strychnine and nearly died. However, the use of PED’s (performance enhancing drugs) dates all the back to 776 BC with the Ancient Greek athletes. In sports todays the question is whether or not these types of drugs should be banned from competition. In sports today it is all about entertaining the common people. Americans tune in every night to watchRead MoreBlood Doping : Can We Beat It?1347 Words  | 6 PagesBlood Doping: Can We Beat It? All humans, no matter what religion, skin color, age, or gender, have blood streaming through out our bodies. Blood rushes oxygen around the body, pulls carbon dioxide out of the body, sends white blood cells to fight illness and infection, is produced in the bone marrow, carries platelets and fibers that close up wounds, and comes in the types A, B, AB, and O, with type O being a universal blood donor. Blood is not just imperative, it is irreplaceable. Doctors canRead MoreDoping, Athletes and Sports Essay892 Words  | 4 Pages   Doping can be strictly defined as the consumption of any substance (whether food or drug) to improve ones performance. This definition can be applied in a variety of situations, from college students drinking coffee in order to stay awake to athletes who take steroids to make them stronger. The problem with doping is where one draws the line. The drugs used in doping often have detrimental effects to ones health, both mental and physical. In t he short run these drugs improve ones performance
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Why The Disease Has Been An Enemy Of A Human Ever Since It...
Tae Hyun Hwang Mrs. McGee Section 3 27 April 2015 The disease has been an enemy of a human ever since it first appeared. In fact, humankind has been at war with the disease for most of history, often at the losing end. However, the principle of immunization equalized this adversarial relationship. The concept of vaccination has been one of the most significant medical advancements in history because it has prevented the onset of deadly diseases, has eradicated previously malignant maladies, and has improved human life by removing fear of acquiring such contagious afflictions. The institution of vaccination began with smallpox. Smallpox had been a very eminent fatal disease throughout the world, an extremely serious disease from 10,000 BC. It was most likely that the smallpox started by the Egyptian merchants. It was found out that the mummified head of the Egyptian pharaoh Ramses V showed the symptoms of smallpox. (Edward Jenner . . .) From that time on, smallpox had spread on to Europe, Asia, and America. Speckled monster, a nickname for smallpox, had attacked, especially in Europe, where the death rate reached up to 60%. (Edward Jenner . . .) It had killed millions of people with no one knowing how to prevent it. Even though there were people who survived, one-third went blind and had a huge scar especially on the face. In Europe of an 18th century, 400,000 people died from smallpox every year. (Edward Jenner . . .) Smallpox had been the very mysteriousShow MoreRelatedWhy Were Causalities so High on the Wester Front929 Words  | 4 PagesWhy were cas ualties so high on the Western Front? There are many reasons for the casualties on the western front during World War I, such as the length of the war, the weapons involved, strategy and tactics, and the conditions. The total number of casualties in World War I, both military and civilian, was about 37 million: 16 million deaths and 21 million wounded. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Income statement of Al Ain Products-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Anayse the CVP Income statement and balance sheet of Al Ain Products, Inc. Answer: Introduction Al Ain Products, Inc was formed by Shamma Zaid in 2010 to distribute nationally an input device that is pen-based and is able to provide effortless communication for the personal computers. Ms Zaid is concerned about the availability of sufficient cash to accommodate the expected growth of AAP. Further, she wants her financial analyst to help her in financial planning. This report will present the analysis of CVP income statement and balance sheet. Moreover, the study will represent the analysis of financial position of the company. It will also present the recommendation by the financial analyst and the cost volume profit analysis of the company. Discussion Sales plan and cash collections Looking at the sales plan of the company, it is identified that the company make it sales on 100% credit and the sales are in increasing trend. Sales increased from $26,28,948 in July to $32,69,183 in September. Total collection of the company is also in increasing trend that is aligned with the increasing sales. Therefore, it can be said that the company is efficient is collecting its dues (Ahmed Duellman, 2013). Purchase plan and cash plan The purchase plan of the company is in increasing trend and the company is planning to purchase 11,100 units, 12,375 units and 13,075 in July, August and September respectively. With the increase in purchase units, the payments for the purchase is also will increase. Therefore, it can be said that the company is efficiently making payments for its dues. Income statement and balance sheet The sales of the company are in increasing trend and the net income of the company is also in increasing trend. The total assets as well as liablities of the company for the month of September amounted to $ 68,07,939. Account receivable of the company forms a major part of the asset and amounting to $ 34,93,969. The retained earnings of the company amounted to $34,15,685. Contribution margin The contribution margin of the company is in increasing trend and is aligned with the increased sales volume. Therefore, it can be said that the company is able to manage its variable expenses efficiently and generating contribution out of the sales. CVP analysis From the CVP graph it is identified that the cost and revenue will be same that means profit will be zero at the sales level of 600,000 at the time of between 5th year and 6th year and after that year te company will start earning positive profit. Analysis of quality of income Particulars July August September Total Operating cash flows $ (206,352.80) $ (102,641.13) $ (51,082.32) $ (1,121,786.03) Net income $ 206,668 $ 251,611 $ 303,430 $ 761,710 Quality of income -1.00 -0.41 -0.17 -1.47 Quality of income represents the operating cash flow proportion with regard to net income. Generally, a ratio that is greater than 1 is considered as high quality of income whereas a ratio less than 1 represents low quality income. Therefore, the quality of income is the earnings amount that is generated from the operation of business. Looking at the quality income of APA, is is identified that the quality of income for July, August and September are negative (Edmonds et al., 2016). The main reason behind that is though the company was able to generate positive income; it was not able to generate any positive cash flow from operations over all the three months. However, it is recognized that the company is improving its quality of income. Reason why income is greater than the operating cash flow Generally, the operating cash flow of any organization is always more than its net income. Net income is calculated by subtracting the operational expenses, cost of sales, amortization expenses, depreciation, taxes and interest from the total revenue (Weygandt, Kimmel Kieso, 2015). On the other hand, the net cash flows from the operating activities are calculated as the sum for net income, changes in working capital and non cash expenses. If the cash expenses like interest expenses is more or the company has made then the net income of the company may be more than the cash flow from operation (Demski, 2013). Two areas where the company is not using its cash effectively are the accounts receivable and inventory. Under the accounts receivable the, amount of account receivable is increased from $327,558 in July to $362,292 in September (Chiu Okudan, 2014). Therefore, the company shall make required efforts to collect the receivables efficiently. Further, the company is also not making its purchase efficiently as it is identified that purchase of inventory has felt from $164,070 in July to $92,408 in September. The financial analyst shall look into this matter and take necessary steps to improve its inventory position (Farris et al., 2015). Computation of financial metrics Calculation of financial metric Formula July August September Operating margin Operating income/sales 7.92% 8.66% 9.38% Days sales in ending accounts receivable Ending accounts receivables/average sales per day 36.42 Inventory turnover cost of goods sold/average inventory 0.31 0.31 0.33 Asset turnover sales/average total assets 0.48 Measurement of performance Looking at the financial metrics of the company, it is recognized that the operating margin of the company is increasing trend and though it was 7.92% during July, the company was able to increase it to 9.38% in September. The competitor average is 8.9% and that of industry average is 8.2%. Therefore, the operating margin of the company is better as compared to the competitors as well as the industry average (Marr, 2015). The companys account receivable cycle is 36.42 days whereas the industry average is 31 days and competitors cycle is 28 days. Therefore, the company shall take necessary steps to improve its receivable cycle. Further, the inventory turnover as well as asset turnover ratio both are significantly low as compared to the industry average as well as the competitors ratio. Therefore, the financial analyst shall look into all these factors to improve the performance of the company (Kumar et al., 2013). Conclusion It has been recognized from the above discussion that sales of the company are in increasing trend and the receivables of dues are in compliance with the sales value. Further, the payments for the purchases are in compliance with the increasing trend of the purchase. Therefore, the collection as well as the payments of the dues is managed by the company efficiently. The operating margin of the company is better as compared to the competitors as well as the industry average. However, the financial analyst shall take necessary steps to improve its receivable cycle, inventory turnover and asset turnover ratio to improve the performance of the company. References Ahmed, A. S., Duellman, S. (2013). Managerial overconfidence and accounting conservatism.Journal of Accounting Research,51(1), 1-30. Chiu, M.C. Okudan, G. (2014). An investigation on the impact of product modularity level on supply chain performance metrics: an industrial case study.Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing,25(1), pp.129-145. Demski, J. (2013).Managerial uses of accounting information. Springer Science Business Media. Edmonds, T. P., Edmonds, C. D., Tsay, B. Y., Olds, P. R. (2016).Fundamental managerial accounting concepts. McGraw-Hill Education. Farris, P., Bendle, N., Pfeifer, P. Reibstein, D. (2015).Marketing metrics: The manager's guide to measuring marketing performance. FT Press. Kumar, U., Galar, D., Parida, A., Stenstrm, C. Berges, L. (2013). Maintenance performance metrics: a state-of-the-art review.Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering,19(3), pp.233-277. Marr, B. (2015).Big Data: Using SMART big data, analytics and metrics to make better decisions and improve performance. John Wiley Sons. Weygandt, J. J., Kimmel, P. D., Kieso, D. E. (2015).Financial Managerial Accounting. John Wiley Sons.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Time Management Essay Research Paper Things that free essay sample
Time Management Essay, Research Paper Thingss that matter most should neer be at the clemency of thing that affair least. We, as human existences, allow this go on much excessively frequently. Many of us blow our clip on things that are neither of import nor necessary, alternatively of utilizing that clip for thing of that are important. Time direction is non merely how to acquire more out of you re clip, but truly how to go a better individual. Time is a really difficult thing to pull off, because we can neither see it or experience it until its has passed. Before we can pull off our clip we must cognize precisely what clip is. The dictionary describes it as, the continuance of one s life ; the hours and yearss which a individual has at his disposal. How we dispose of that clip is clip direction. It s the manner we spend our clip to form and put to death around our precedences. We will write a custom essay sample on Time Management Essay Research Paper Things that or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Remember merely because clip is intangible doesn T mean that it is non valuable. I want to learn you about the background of clip direction, the different manners and how to utilize them, and how it will alter your life. Background Time direction today is non as it was in the yesteryear. It has grown with clip. Stephen R. Covey places clip direction into four coevalss. He feels it has evolved the same manner society has. Each coevals grows on the one before it. For illustration, the agribusiness revolution was followed by the industrial revolution, which was so followed by the informational revolution. The first moving ridge or coevals is fundamentally notes and checklist. Which truly merely identifies the demands placed on our clip and energy. Calendars and appointment books qualify the 2nd coevals. This reflects an effort to look in front. The 3rd coevals is current clip direction field. It s the last two coevalss with the thoughts of prioritization, clear uping values, and comparing the worth of activities. It besides includes the thought of doing a specific program to carry through ends and activities that we determined to be of value. Because this all may be excessively curtailing for people they turn to t he old coevalss to continue relationships, and spontaneousness. And the last coevals, which is merely get downing to emerge, is a different type of clip direction. The challenge is non to pull off clip, but to pull off ourselves. The coevals focuses on relationships and consequences. Time direction is everlastingly altering. We each see it in our ain manner. It has been used since the start of clip and will merely better. Just because there has been progression doesn T mean that we have progressed with it. Manners and How To Use Them There are many different types of clip direction, some are simpler and some are more complex, but all are utile. We must each happen a manner that we re compatible with and implement it into our lives. Even if the manner you choose is non the most effectual one, you must utilize it mundane to assist better pull off your clip. Before you begin to pull off your clip you must recognize that it is non a short-run undertaking, but a life long committedness. Geting and Staying Organized This is a system that s intent is to salvage you a few hours a twenty-four hours by demoing you how to form. The end of this manner of clip direction is to acquire organized so that you can change over clip that you ve wasted during a normal twenty-four hours into clip that can be used more expeditiously and efficaciously. This manner of clip direction is directed on concern in general, but I feel it can still be applied to every twenty-four hours life. It gives us simple easy to make tips on how we can go organized. The first tip is to divide the things that are importance from the things that are non. Then throw away what s non of import. Following tip is to put the of import material in order that it needs to be done by making a maestro list. A maestro list is the construct of composing everything down in an orderly, punctilious manner, so that you can make a better occupation of remaining on top of things. Another tip is to compose everything down on paper. The concluding behind this is that because you are saved from holding to retrieve tonss of information, you ll hold more learning ability for more of import things. This system seems to concentrate on the short-run and is truly basic. It may work good for people who like to take things one measure at a clip. Daily Planner For old ages people have kept path of meetings, assignments, unfinished work by utilizing a day-to-day contriver. The day-to-day contriver may hold many monikers, such as Day Runners and Filofaxes, but whatever you call it is a productiveness betterment tool. It helps us put our precedences, form and be after our long-run undertakings, maintain path of our work load, and set new ends. Besides they can be used to jot down notes, memos, thoughts and ideas. It is frequently used as an index for telephone Numberss, and addresses. This book keeps path of our day-to-day life and helps us maintain our lives in order. The great thing about a day-to-day contriver is that it can be used for your personal life every bit good as concern life all in one. This clip direction tool is practical and simple to utilize for everyone. Learn To Communicate This means to by able to speak and listen in an efficient and effectual affair. If we are able to better our ability to pass on and acquire the information we need, so we can pass less clip in meeting or explaining, and more clip on more of import things. Here is some of the suggestions Jeffrey Mayer made in this book, Time Management for Dummies, about pass oning. Ask inquiries that are right to the point and easy to understand. If you don t acquire something come straight out and inquire, wear t round around the shrub. Listen to others to better understand the manner they think and feel about the subject. You can larn a batch about a individual merely by listening. If they ask a inquiry during this clip reply it briefly and so inquire them another inquiry. Avoid inquiring close-ended inquiries that will take to a yes or no reply. Once you have received the information paraphrasis or sum up it. This will assist you understand and retrieve it better. Let the transmitter know you re l istening. That manner they feel that they re acquiring through to you. I feel that because we spend so much of our clip with others, larning to interact with them better is a really smart and logical thought that will salvage us clip in the terminal. Be Super-Prepared Bing super-prepared is to expect every bit much as possible what will happen in the hereafter and be prepared to manage it. Another manner of seting this is being proactive ( extremely pg.75 ) . You are taking control of the state of affairs at manus. You are non allowing things that you have no control over have control over you. For illustration, you wake up to a blizzard and your auto won t start but you have to travel to work. You either allow that halt you or you can take control of that state of affairs. If you were prepared because you checked the conditions channel the twenty-four hours before you might hold plugged in your auto or woken up earlier to catch the coach. You should ever be prepared for anything. By taking clip to acquire prepared you will stop up salvaging more clip in the long tally. This is a sensible and easy manner to salvage clip. Put First Things First This manner or system of clip direction is one that I ve already mentioned. It is the 4th of the coevalss, which Stephen R. Covey calls Put First Things First. This is, I feel the best manner of clip direction because it so luxuriant. What it tries to make is equilibrate the production ( of desired consequences ) over the production capableness, or P/PC Balance. You do this by prioritising your activities so that you can acquire the of import thing done. Effectiveness lies in this balance. Excessive force on P and you deplete the Personal computer. For illustration if you stay up wholly dark analyzing and working on concluding undertakings everyday for hebdomads on terminal, you ll stop up firing your ego out. Possibly even stop up worse than when you started, because you re excessively tried to listen in category or even to concentrate on a trial. If you place excessively much force on the Personal computer you ll neer acquire P at its soap. For illustration, person who is invariably exerting to look better for others, but he neer has clip to travel out because the free clip he does hold he uses to workout. He s non run intoing his coveted consequences. An illustration of the P/PC Balance would be to acquire good classs in school ( the Production ) and paying the monetary value to acquire an instruction ( the Production Capability ) , which gives us the opportunity to acquire those classs so that we can acquire a grade. It is really hard to judge the balance of the two. The great thing about the P/PC Balance is that it balances the long-run with the short-run. That is the first facet of this manner of clip direction. Identifying what needs to be done to be effectual. The following measure is calculating out how to run into those demands. How do we pull off out clip so that we can acquire things done most efficaciously? Covey calls it the Time Management Matrix. Figure 1.1 Time Management Matrix It captures the indispensable focal point of this coevals of clip direction. It helps us place how we spend our clip. There is fundamentally four ways we spend clip. The two factors that define our activities are pressing and of import. Pressing means it must be done. These things act on us, and are easy to place. Many of the pressing things are unimportant, such as replying a telephone call. Importance trades with consequences. If something is of import to you it contributes to your mission, your values and ends. Important affairs are normally non pressing because we act on them. It s us who seize the chance to do things go on. The first quadrant trades with affairs that are both pressing and of import. These are things that demand immediate attending or in other words crises or jobs. If you focus on populating problem-minded or deadline-driven quarter-circle I will merely acquire bigger. There are many that spend their clip in quadrant III, pressing and unimportant, even though they feel that we re in quarter-circle I. They spend their clip responding to things that are pressing and presume that they are besides of import. This is because they base affairs on the precedences and outlooks of other. Peoples who spend their lives in quadrant III A ; IV are truly irresponsible. The key to good clip direction is populating in quadrant II. This is where you pass your clip covering with things that are non pressing but of import. When these affairs aren t tended to they become quadrant I. By being in this quarter-circle we feed chances and starve job. This is because we act on our chances before they re gone and wear t Lashkar-e-Taiba jobs turn so large that we can t manage them. By making this we shrine quadrant I. Quadrant II is acquiring things done, while maintaining you P/PC Balance. To be in quadrant I you must state no to quarter-circles III A ; IV. You can t ignore quarter-circle I you can merely do it smaller. You have to state no to things that are of import and yes to those that are. That is the lone manner to hold clip to carry through them. To be in quadrant II you must be able to make three things: ( 1 ) prioritize, ( 2 ) organize around those precedences ; ( 3 ) and have subject. Most clip direction tends to strive on relationships instead so construct on them. As each coevals physique on those that have preceded it, the strengths and some of the tools of the first three coevalss provide elemental stuff for the 4th. That is why I find this manner of clip direction to be the best. It incorporates the best of clip direction manners and combines them wholly in a really logical easy to understand mode. How Does It Change Your Life Learning how to pull off your clip and successfully using it to your life will emancipate you. Truly, clip is the freedom and power we need to break ourselves. Once clip direction has become a manner of life you will happen your self-living a more relaxed life style. Your whole life will go less nerve-racking. While some emphasis is utile, it can assist in concentrating and increasing efficiency ; excessively much emphasis creates jobs. In fact, 70 % of medical visits are stress related. Time direction may really good better you wellness. It may better your calling by assisting you to be able to be after the usage of your clip so that undertakings can be completed in timely mode, and so clip is available for planning, thought, and contemplation. It will beyond doubt break your societal life by giving you more clip to pass with loved 1. Besides it will give you more personal clip to yourselves. Because we are pull offing such a cherished trade good that is clip, the manner it effects ourselves is eternal and priceless.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Employment Scenario in India Essay Example
Employment Scenario in India Essay Employment has emerged as an important subject in the development agenda of most national governments and several international organisations over the past two decades. In recent years, the processes of globalisation have also resulted in certain trends in labour markets in both the developed and developing countries. in the developing countries, fears have been expressed of displacement of workers in the hither to protected sectors as a result of international competition. Current scenario of India: As a belong to India, I would like to emphasize on the current education and employment scenario in India. In India, The educational system follows 12 years of schooling and then a 3-4 years of graduation course, and 2 years of post graduation course. India has a total of 253 universities and 12,732 colleges right now. Growth rate of employment is 3. 29% in 2009. Highest rate of Employment is observed in agriculture , fishing and forestry- 296. 62 million. The Lowest rate of employment is in Electricity, Gas and water supply – 1. 5 million. The country is having a population of 1. 2 billion while the total employment is 529. 87 million. It indicates that major portion of the youth remain unemployed. Major employment challenges in India: 1. Population: India is the second most populous country in the world, with over 1. 18 billion people (estimate for April, 2010), more than a sixth of the worlds population. More than this every year about 5 million people become eligible for securing jobs. But the employment opportunities are much lower than the job seekers. 2. Poverty: In India, Poverty often forces households to withdraw children from schools for reasons of both direct and opportunity costs. We will write a custom essay sample on Employment Scenario in India specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Employment Scenario in India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Employment Scenario in India specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In addition, schools and the style of instruction are not always attractive for the children. In the case of girls, the familial attitude towards educating them continues to be discriminatory. As a result, Drop-out rates are high: at 40 per cent in the primary, 50 per cent in the middle and 66 per cent in the secondary stages of schooling for boys and 42 per cent, 58 per cent and 72 per cent at the three levels, for girls In rural families. 42 per cent of children said they wanted to be graduates and just 24 per cent wished to go in for a post-graduate degree. Even the choice of subject changed according to the occupation of parentschildren of the salaried class were more likely to study engineering or medicine. 3. Employability: A part of the problem of employment has always been the result of a mismatch between qualitative aspects of the supply and demand of labour: demand has remained unfulfilled due to non-availability of workers with requisite skills and workers have remained unemployed or underemployed as they have no skills or their skills have no demand. This mismatch seems to have grown in recent years due to fast changes in production technologies and structures to which the skill supply mechanisms and institutions have not been quick enough to respond. 4. Rate of Literacy: 39 per cent of the Indian workforce in the 15 years and above age group is illiterate; another 23 per cent have studied only up to the primary level. Only 22 per cent have secondary and higher level of education. 5. No of colleges: India has a total of 253 universities and 12,732 colleges right now. If we take the total population in the relevant age group and divide this by the number of colleges/universities, then it shows that, at the all-India level, each university will have to cater for around 250,000-300,000 studentswhile thats about the size of Delhi University, there arent too many universities of this size in the country, nor are many being planned. 6. Educational Infrastructure: The infrastructure and curriculum of the school and colleges suffer from lack of adequate technologies, Shortage of funds. The curriculum of professional colleges are not updated to met the requirements of the industry. India is having Total engineering colleges more than 3000, when Total number of Private MBA colleges in India is more than 1700. Almost 90% of these colleges are unable to provide quality education. Only top 10% college of Engineering and managements are able to provide job to students through Campus selection. 7. Economic depression : sick industries are often close down compelling their employees to become unemployed. 8. Technological advancement : Technological advancement contributes to economic development . But unplanned and uncontrolled growth of technology is causing havoc on job opportunities. The computerization and automation has led to technological unemployment. 9. Industry lockouts: Strikes and lockouts have become inseparable aspect of the industrial world today. Since workers do not get any salary or wages during the strike period they suffer from economic hardships. They become permanently or temporarily unemployed. How to improve the education system: Education system plays a crucial role in the employment scenario. Because it delivers the students who possess the skills and knowledge to participate in the global economy. Following measures should be taken to make the students employable in Public and Private sectors: 1. Increasing No of Schools: As discussed earlier, the existing No of schools are not adequate to provide quality education to the eligible students. So the No. of universities and colleges must be increased. 2. Providing Free education: In primary level, Education in the Govt. Schools should be made free for rural families. Also No of scholarships should be increased for higher education. . Developing Infrastructure: Increase spending substantially on primary and high school education (Both qualitative and quantitative). Increase the salaries of teachers at least at per with university lecturers and put stringent quality control while recruiting the teachers and introduce accountability among them. We must increase substantially the number of primary schools and quality of those a nd improve on physical infrastructures like school buildings, a minimum standard of school laboratory and library, a decent play ground, some internet connected computers in libraries etc. In technical institutions, technical equipments should be used in instructing. 4. Pattern of evaluation: Subsequently the exam patterns should change and put more emphasis on original thinking and problem solving rather than emphasizing database-quiz type format. 5. Improving curriculum: Basic education should be in mother tongue but English also should be compulsory from class 1. Technical education should be made available to students who have completed 8 years of schooling. To cover the lack of skills, a mechanism needs to be set up at different levels  national, regional and local  to continuously assess the emerging skill requirements of the rapidly changing economic and technological scene and reorient the training infrastructure to meet them. Second, it is necessary to develop training systems to meet the skill requirements of the unorganised sector, which is likely to be the main source of new employment opportunities, in highly diverse activities with many common as well as specific skills. 6. Training for competitive exams: In higher educational institutions, students should be prepared to clear the competitive exams. It will make a large No. Of students eligible for various public sector jobs. Conclusion: The first lead in improving the educational system should be taken by the Government. Because though Education in Private Colleges are expensive, they are having a good infrastructure and placement record compared to the Govt. Colleges. Govt. Should take initiative to increase no of schools and colleges with proper facilities, and also improve the curriculum and infrastructure of present education system.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The changes of Phillips curve under global economy, from two aspects of international trade and international finance to discuss Phillips curve ---relationship between inflation and unemployment. The WritePass Journal
The changes of Phillips curve under global economy, from two aspects of international trade and international finance to discuss Phillips curve -relationship between inflation and unemployment. Introduction The changes of Phillips curve under global economy, from two aspects of international trade and international finance to discuss Phillips curve relationship between inflation and unemployment. IntroductionThe purpose of researchThe outline and methodologyList of References:Related Introduction During the Great Depression which was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World Warâ… ¡, western countries experienced the high unemployment rate. In 1936, Keynes who is a British economist published the famous â€Å"The general theory of employment, interest and money†. The theory was helpful for policy makers to tackle unemployment. (Mankiw,G and Taylor,M) However, after 1950s, inflation became the most concerned economic issue around the world in replace of unemployment. Due to the price rigidity, inflation couldn’t be explained by Keynesian economics. The Phillips curve is named after a New Zealand-born economist A.W.Phillips. In1958, he published an article†The Relationship between Unemployment and the Rate of Change of Money Wages in the United Kingdom 1861–1957†in the quarterly economic journal Economica. Phillips observed the data of unemployment rate and the rate of wage inflation and concluded an inverse relationship between money wage changes and unemployment in United Kingdom during the period time examined. In the following years, Phillips curve was successfully demonstrated to be found in many countries. The IS-LM model is a macroeconomic tool that demonstrates the relationship between interest rates and real output in the goods and services market and the money market (Wikipedia).It can explain the aggregate demand and determine the employment. And the Phillips curve can express the aggregate supply of macroeconomics and explain the inflation. Thus, main Keynes’s theory consists of IS-LM model and Phillips Curve from two aspects of aggregate demand and supply. The Phillips Curve also has the significant meaning for economy policy: that is, macroeconomic policy can be trade-off between inflation and unemployment. The government can use higher inflation rate to achieve lower unemployment and vice versa. Therefore, the Phillips curve was considered as the main economic tool to make policy. However, when people thought IS-LM model and Phillips curve could explain major macroeconomic issues, some economists began to doubt the accuracy of Phillips curve, one typical representative is Edmund Phelps, who is the winner of Nobel Prize for Economics in 2006. He suggested that inflation is not only related with unemployment but also related with the growth of prices and wages expected by employers and workers. His research contributed important insights in the Phillips curve which include adaptive expectation and imperfect information in the setting of prices and wages. Additionally, he presented the concept of the natural rate of unemployment and he thinks that there is no long run trade-off between inflation and unemployment. (Edmund S Phelps,1968).It can be seen from Figure 1,assume that at the beginning, the expected inflation rate is 0 and the natural rate of unemployment is 6%,under this situation, the economy is at point A and the Phillips curve is P1.If the economy is i ntervened by government, that is the government wants to use 4% inflation rate to achieve 3% unemployment rate, that means reaching point B; assume that the government achieves the goal, workers expect their real wages to decline, thus the nominal wages are required to increase to maintain their purchasing power. On the other hand, employers hire fewer workers due to the increases in wages, therefore, the unemployment rate return to the natural rate of unemployment. At this moment, the economy is at point C. The Phillips curve shifts upwards to P2.As a result, government’s economic policies do not work, that means inflation rate increases, however, unemployment rate does not go down. This is so-called†Phillips Curve with expectation†. Figure 1 Phillips Curve with expectation At present, the widely accepted view about Phillips curve is that â€Å"because people adjust their expectations of inflation over time, the tradeoff between inflation and unemployment holds only in short run.†(Mankiw, G and Taylor, M)New Keynesian economists modify the Phillips curve from two aspects: firstly, considering expectation; secondly, considering the supply shock. The purpose of research The reason why I am planning to focus my research on this topic is that with the development of economy globalization, the proportion of trade between countries or economies increase rapidly. For example, in 2005, the world merchandise trade and services trade account for world GDP respectively 47% and 11%, however, in 1990, those figures are respectively 32% and 8%.During the period of 1990 to 2005, the aggregate amount of world exports has increased annually by 9%, however, the average growth rate of world GDP was only 3%.Thus, under economic globalization, when modifying Phillips curve, the openness should be considered. My dissertation is aimed to analyze how Phillips curve shifts and changes under economic globalization. The outline and methodology At present, the major researches about this issue are focusing on NKPC model and put the model into small open economies to do empirical analysis. Then the New Keynesian Phillips Curve can be obtained. There are two methods can be used to modify the NKPC model: the first one is extended model of difference between domestic and foreign prices (Sbordone, 2002; Gali and Monacelli, 2005); second one is extended model of foreign exchange rate (Temple, 2002; Reinhart and Rogoff, 2004). The outline of my dissertation is that firstly, presenting the theory and general New Keynesian Phillips curve model, then modify it from two aspects of international trade and international finance. Secondly, analyzing the influences of domestic inflation and employment which are from international factors. The New Keynesian Phillips Curve model is generally written in the form: Àt=ÃŽ ±Ã€t-1+ÃŽ ²Et(Àt+1)+ÃŽ ³costt. Assume that Àt is inflation rate at time t, Àt-1 is inflation rate at time (t-1), Et(Àt+1) is expected inflation rate of time t+1 according to that at time t, costt is cost of production per unit at time t,ÃŽ ±Ã¢Ë†Ë†(0,1),ÃŽ ²Ã¢Ë†Ë†(0,1),ÃŽ ³Ã¢Ë†Ë†(0,1).My research mainly focus on four aspects: 1)inflation effect on unit product cost, considering the formula above, the third part on the right is the changes of unit product cost under economy globalization. 2)inflation effect on international capital flow, the second part on the right of the formula above is expected inflation which makes individuals expect domestic real interest rates to change, people choose to invest in foreign.3)lagged effect of inflation, the first part on the right of the f ormula above is adaptive expectation.4)effect of inflation on employment ,overall, whether unemployment rate increases or decreases depend on other factors ,for instance, domestic employment rate and trade policy. Thirdly, choosing two developed countries which are U.S and UK and one developing country which is Brazil and using OECD database or other databases to obtain figures about CPI, GDP implicit deflator, import price index and unemployment rate. The time period selected is 1992 to 2010 .Then using these data to do empirical analysis about NKPC model under economic globalization. Finally, getting the conclusion. The expected results I want to get are that under economic globalization, in the short run, inflation rate and prices of imports shift in the same direction. The lower the prices of imports are, the smaller the slope of Phillips curve is and vice versa. As Figure 2 indicates, I also expect that Phillips curves with different slopes adjust to different countries. The line â‘ with flatter slope is suited for developed countries due to the lower imports prices. However, the line â‘ ¢ with steeper slope is suited for developing countries because of its higher imports prices. The framework of this dissertation consists of four parts: The theory of Phillips curve Shifts and changes of NKPC model under economic globalization Empirical analysis about NKPC model under economic globalization The significance of the theory and conclusion. List of References: Mankiw, G and Taylor, M, Macroeconomics. European Edition, p295 Wikipedia, Phelps, Edmund S. (1968). Money-Wage Dynamics and Labor Market Equilibrium. Journal of Political Economy 76 (S4): 678–711 Argia M. Sbordone, â€Å"Prices and unit labor costs: a new test of price stickiness†, Journal of Monetary Economics, (Elsevier: March, 2002) vol.49 (2), pages 265-292 Jordi Gali and Tommaso Monacelli,†Monetary Policy and Exchange rate Volatility in a small open economy†, Review of Economic Studies, (Blackwell Publishing: 2005), vol.72 (3), pp.707-734 07 Jonathan Temple,†Openness, Inflation and the Phillips Curve a Puzzle†, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, (Blackwell Publishing: May, 2002), vol.34 (2), pp.450-68 Carmen M. Reinhart and Kenneth S.Rogoff, â€Å"The Modern History of Exchange Rate Arrangements : A Reinterpretation†, The Quarterly Journal of Economics(MIT Press: February 2004) vol.119(1),pp.1-48
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The Destruction of Sennarcherib Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Destruction of Sennarcherib - Essay Example However Byron does not tell us the full story of the destruction of the king but focuses on the battle scene. He writes about the Assyrian army being destroyed by the Angel of Death thereby making us realize that the power of God is much more than that of the human beings. The theme of the poem is the battle between good and evil and comparison of the power of God with the power of the mortals. Sennacherib here represents evil. God in this poem is very powerful and punishes those who set out to do wrong. He on hearing the cries of his people sends the Angel of Death to destroy Sennacherib. â€Å"And the might of the Gentile, unsmote by the sword / Hath melted like snow in the glance of the Lord,†(Byron, 1815) aptly describes how God protected his people from evil forces. Even though in the poem the Assyrians are described as noble characters wearing the royal colors of purple and gold they are shown as predators attacking the weak. The words â€Å"like a wolf on the fold,†points out to this. A breath of the Angel of Death was enough to destroy the great army and this shows how hollow the power of mortals is when compared to the power of God. The enemy was strong and the number of soldiers was as numerous as the number of leaves on the trees. Yet all that the angel of death did was "spread his wings" to destroy. This represents the central theme that God is more powerful than mortals. The Destruction of Sennacherib is clearly a poem on death. The first line of the third stanza itself conveys to us that the Assyrian king has been killed and the rest of the poem is about the effects of his death. The images of death are beautifully conveyed by the description of the king’s horse. Here Byron writes about foam spewing from the mouth of the horse and uses one whole stanza to describe the death of a horse. The death of a powerful animal like the horse is used as symbol to show that
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