Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Writing Assignment Essay Example for Free
Writing Assignment Essay Gender Effect on Courts Dealing with Criminals and Factors that Affect Homicide Rate There is always some speculation that courts have soft corners in dealing with female crminals. In adddition, it is thought that the percentage of poverty, unemployment, and college attainment in any city have an effect on homicide rate. In this report, First I test whether courts dealing with criminals differs by gender. Than, I test whether there is relationship between homicide rate and poverty (%), unemployment (%), and college (%) using the city level data set. Finally, I perform an regression analysis test to model homicide rate per 100,000 in a city. The National Opinion on Crime and Justice study from survey 1995 gives information about citizens opinions and attitudes concerning crime and criminal justice related-topics. The city level data summarizes the different types of information about the American cities such as population, crime index, median age, poverty (%), balck (%), unemployment (%),college (%), homicide rate per 100,000 population, etc. The city level data reported here are from the 2002 survey. The respondents were asked ‘How do courts deal with crminals? ’ in the National Opinion on Crime and Justice study survey with possible answers from ‘Too harshly’, ‘Not harshly enough’, and ‘About right’. About 62% male as compared to 38% female replied Too harshly, about 54% male as compared to 46% female replied Not harshly enough, and about 53% male as compared to 47% female replied About right (Table 1). There were no significant differences between males and females response on â€Å"How do courts deal with crminals? †, ? 2(2) = 0. 99, p = . 61 (Table 2). The average homicide rate per 100,000 population of city was 10. 45 (SD = 9. 81) with minimum of 0. 00 and maximum of 57. 65. The average unemployment of city was 4. 56% (SD = 1. 41%) with minimum of 2. 2% and maximum of 9. 1%.. The average poverty of city was 12. 8% (SD = 5. 5%) with minimum of 3. 4% and maximum of 32. 4%. The average college attainment of city was 26. 89% (SD = 11. 14%) with minimum of 6% and maximum of 69%. (Table 3). There was significant strong positive correlation between homicide rate per 100,000 population and poverty (%), r(156) = . 62, p . 001 (Figure 1). There was significant strong positive correlation between homicide rate per 100,000 population and unemployment (%), r(156) = . 59, p . 001 (Figure 2). There was significant weak negative correlation between homicide rate per 100,000 population and college (%), r(156) = -. 26, p = . 001 (Table 4). Poverty (%) significantly predicted homicide rate per 100,000 population, ? = . 62, t(156) = 9. 92, p . 001. Poverty (%) also explained a significant proportion of variance in homicide rate per 100,000 population, R2 = . 39, F(1, 156) = 98. 43, p . 001 (Table 5, 6 and 7). However, about 61% of the variation in homicide rate per 100,000 population was not explained by poverty (%). Therefore, there was moderate strong effect of poverty (%) on homicide rate per 100,000 population. Each additional percentage of poverty increases the homicide rate per 100,000 population by 1. 1. The regression equation was given by ‘(Homicide rate) = -3. 625 + 1. 1(Poverty)’. For a poverty of 20%, the homicide rate per 100,000 population was about 18. 38. In conclusion, courts do not deal differently with criminals by gender. There is weak negative linear relationship between homicide rate per 100,000 population and colleget (%). However, there was strong positive linear relationship between homicide rate per 100,000 population and unemployment (%), and homicide rate per 100,000 population and poverty (%). Poverty (%) was a useful predictor of homicide rate per 100,000 population in a city.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Thomos Hardy The Mayor Of Cast :: essays research papers
Thomas Harding does an admirable job narrating the, The Life and Death of The Mayor of Casterbridge, Mr. Henchard, as well as the various other characters that influenced the phases of Mr. Henchard's downfall to prosperity and than again to his self-inflicted destruction. As self-inflicted as King Saul's death in Samuel 1 in the Bible. The narrative of King Saul's life follow comparable steps as Mr. Henchard's. In both narratives both men engage in a trusted consanguinity with another man who were existent for the majority of the protagonists' chronicle. In Thomas Hardy's, The Mayor of Caterbridge, the relationships between Mr. Henchard and Donald Farfrae are overwhelmingly alike as distinct as that to King Saul and David. In the beginning of the novel, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Mr. Michael Henchard is described "of fine figure, swarthy, and stern in aspect" and had a "walk of the skilled countryman" and "showed in profile a facial angle[…]to be almost perpendicular." (I,1). Also stated is that Mr. Henchard's "elbow almost touched (his wife's) shoulder" while walking beside each other, implying that he was a very tall man. (I,1) Saul from the Bible is also described as "as a handsome young man" who "stood head and shoulders above the people." (1 Sam 9:2) While both men were accompanied with someone of inferior status, Henchard with his wife and Saul with his servant, they were in search of something, Saul of his asses and Henchard of work, when their lives were altered. Mr. Henchard and Saul both fell asleep in a dining establishment and awoke to find that their lives had changed perpetually. Spouseless and childless Mr. Hencha rd moves and spends the bulk of his life in Casterbridge. It is later revealed in the story that he the mayor of Casterbridge. Saul is also chosen to be a governmental leader of all of Israel as Mr. Henchard of all of Casterbridge. In Casterbridge, Mr. Henchard sought for an assistant, and this is where Donald Farfrae is first introduced. Alike in the Bible King Saul seeks a man to "remain in [his] service" (1 Sam 19:22) for, he also needs a partner to help him in some manner. Both new characters are described as musicians, but Mr. Farfrae is just passing though Casterbridge, and has no intentions of staying. At first, Farfrae declines Henchard's invitation to stay and help him run business of Casterbridge, but later agrees to stay because of Henchard's persistence. Thomos Hardy The Mayor Of Cast :: essays research papers Thomas Harding does an admirable job narrating the, The Life and Death of The Mayor of Casterbridge, Mr. Henchard, as well as the various other characters that influenced the phases of Mr. Henchard's downfall to prosperity and than again to his self-inflicted destruction. As self-inflicted as King Saul's death in Samuel 1 in the Bible. The narrative of King Saul's life follow comparable steps as Mr. Henchard's. In both narratives both men engage in a trusted consanguinity with another man who were existent for the majority of the protagonists' chronicle. In Thomas Hardy's, The Mayor of Caterbridge, the relationships between Mr. Henchard and Donald Farfrae are overwhelmingly alike as distinct as that to King Saul and David. In the beginning of the novel, The Mayor of Casterbridge, Mr. Michael Henchard is described "of fine figure, swarthy, and stern in aspect" and had a "walk of the skilled countryman" and "showed in profile a facial angle[…]to be almost perpendicular." (I,1). Also stated is that Mr. Henchard's "elbow almost touched (his wife's) shoulder" while walking beside each other, implying that he was a very tall man. (I,1) Saul from the Bible is also described as "as a handsome young man" who "stood head and shoulders above the people." (1 Sam 9:2) While both men were accompanied with someone of inferior status, Henchard with his wife and Saul with his servant, they were in search of something, Saul of his asses and Henchard of work, when their lives were altered. Mr. Henchard and Saul both fell asleep in a dining establishment and awoke to find that their lives had changed perpetually. Spouseless and childless Mr. Hencha rd moves and spends the bulk of his life in Casterbridge. It is later revealed in the story that he the mayor of Casterbridge. Saul is also chosen to be a governmental leader of all of Israel as Mr. Henchard of all of Casterbridge. In Casterbridge, Mr. Henchard sought for an assistant, and this is where Donald Farfrae is first introduced. Alike in the Bible King Saul seeks a man to "remain in [his] service" (1 Sam 19:22) for, he also needs a partner to help him in some manner. Both new characters are described as musicians, but Mr. Farfrae is just passing though Casterbridge, and has no intentions of staying. At first, Farfrae declines Henchard's invitation to stay and help him run business of Casterbridge, but later agrees to stay because of Henchard's persistence.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
One Man Two Guvnors Drama Review
One Man Two Guvnors review In a packed theatre, full of audiences from all ages who continuously have a smile on their face; currently rated as a high five stars, One Man Two Guvnors could not be a funnier performance to watch. As soon as I entered the theatre, it was completely packed. I also saw many people from different age groups; this gave me a feeling that the show would be entertaining enough to get people from all ages to come and see the show. The environment of the theatre was very formal, as there was a red and gold layout and it was also very clean.Before the show started there was country singers, this was a very good way to introduce the show as the song was very upbeat and got me feeling more excited. They were dressed in checked shirts and suits; this gave me the feeling straight away that it would be based before the 2000s, which I was right as it is set in 1963. These country singers also came in a few times during the show and sang many more lively songs which I l oved hearing and sung with my friends. The main character that stood out the most to me was the well-known actor James Cordon, whom played a failed skiffle player named Francis who is in need of a job†¦ and a meal!He gets himself in a shuffle, as working as a servant for two masters whom are currently enemies. Many words could describe Francis; funny, dopey, confused, loud, sociable, at times annoying. Not only did he make the audience laugh, he also spoke to them too! For example, asking the audience who has a sandwich, which made the audience get more involved with Francis. He also did return a sandwich and a few other treats when asked! He had also made the audience a part of the performance as he needed some volunteers to get up on stage and help him out in the jobs he had to do. Such as, lifting a trunk and needing help on food preparations.My favourite scene that made Francis impress me the most was when he had to keep his two guvnors away from each other and at the same time serve them both food, whilst they was both opposite doors away from each other in the same hotel! His greedy behaviour of taking some food out of the dishes and keeping them for himself was absolutely hilarious. This is also the scene where he chose someone from the audience to help him take some food and store it in his pot. The way parts of this scene was off script yet still so on track and funny impressed me and I laughed the most at this scene.I also thought that the staging had a big impact to the audience. There were many different scene changes that looked so realistic; the living room, the Brighton pier, the upstairs hotel in The Cricketers Arms and the street outside it. The stage was spacious enough for the actors to move around freely, I still had a clear view even though I sat at the right at the top upper circle. The lighting on stage was very bright as the scenes were mostly indoors or in daylight. The music had suited the plays environment as the music was very upbeat, lively, loud and cheerful.Many instruments were played together to make many amazing songs and sounds. The play would stop in between, the curtains would draw and each time I got more inpatient wanting another song to come. The country singers who sang the songs gave me a warm, yet energetic feeling as I and the audience were clapping along to the rhythm, not to mention singing at the chorus. If these country singers did not perform, the overall play would not have been the same! Another scene that I also enjoyed a lot would be the ending scene, where Francis’ two jobs were revealed, all problems are sorted and the truth comes out.The two love birds are finally together and it’s all just like a fairy tale. This was a good way to end the performance in a happy atmosphere. Overall, I recommend that everyone should watch this performance as they will laugh their socks off just like the rest of the audience. I would rate the play a high 4 star performance as it was a fantastic, memorable experience that definitely made my day and is worth the watch. James Corden as his character Francis James Corden as his character Francis Rachel and Stanley whom are in love Rachel and Stanley whom are in love
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Synthes Case - 727 Words
Synthes Case Study Team S Santiago Sanchez Villalba Bharat Pawar Morris Li Jose Llanos Tiia Paananen What are the different threats to the sustainability of Synthes` competitive advantage? Synthes has several threats to consider in the near and upcoming future. The first threat we can talk about is with regards to imitation. Imitation is a big deal in the internal fixation device industry. Synthes has become the leader in this market due to several competitive advantages, for example the affiliation with AO, which surgeons take as a sign of confidence. These advantages have been able to sustain them with huge market share and very high sales during the last 20 years. They have also created other competitive advantages within†¦show more content†¦The threat level is still low because the first trial of bioresorbable failed and the second generation has not yet fully convinced surgeons. But most doctors seem open to the idea or already use some of the bioresorbable derivatives to substitute some of Synthes` products today. The difference from the first generation bioresorbable products to the second one improved drastically and the third generation could eventua lly be almost as effective as today’s solutions. If Synthes is not fully prepared there could be a very big threat to the company not only in sales but also reputation because they are known for being the top dog and always offering the newest products for internal fixation. A company with a similar strategy (affiliation to AO, good sales reps, high quality product) could not only imitate but also substitute if the product part were to be able to be effective and accepted by doctors. Although there are threats in a competitive industry such as this one, we believe that Synthes has enough actual and probable competitive advantages to sustain throughout time as a leader in the internal fixation industry. 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